Remove your T Shirt before voting in Burmese Embassy, Singapore

Historic Moment

Anyone who wish to see the real situation of Burmese Referendum should watch this you tube video
Watch with your own eyes the brave people of Burma vote in Burmese Embassy, Singapore!

Remove your red caps and Red “No” T shirt, before entering embassy compound, that is law and regulation of Burmese Embassy !
Free and Fair Referendum? Even in front of Cameras and international press if they can ask to do all nonsense how about closed door Referendum in world biggest Jail?
Thank you Lin Let Kye Sin for the link to youtube video.
Sit Mone

Tribute to Burmese in Singapore, for saying NO to Junta guided Referendum

Historic Moment

This blogger has been following the unfolding events of Burmese trying to say “No” to Military Junta guided Referendum in the Island state. Singapore authorities have good track record of not tolerating any protest of their own people in the small wealthy country.

Burmese in Singapore have shown exemplary discipline and courage by not breaking the law of their host country while excising the right of Burmese Citizens to vote No.

Incredible, amazing,.. these are the words for non Burmese readers when this blogger saw the photos posted over this blogosphere. Young and old, ladies and men,all waiting patiently to vote No, in front of Burmese Embassy. Most of them were with red T shirts saying NO to Junta drafted constitution.

Very foolish decision was made by Burmese Embassy staffs, that was not to allow, those who were wearing NO T Shirt to their compound. That action demonstrated how Free and Fare this Referendum is going to be to the whole world. Burmese diplomats in Singapore are telling the world that they do not want No voters to be inside their compound, and they want Yes people only. Then, what is the credibility of doing referendum?
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Only eight draft constitution books available for 100,000 Burmese in Singapore

Historic Moment

Amazing and unbelievable!

Burmese Embassy in Singapore has only eight draft Constitution Books for estimated 100,000 Burmese staying legally in the Island State.

When, activist Burmese pressed Burmese Embassy to provide the draft constitution booklets, before voting on Sunday, they only have the chance to read the book inside the Embassy Compound at 3:30 pm yesterday.

The strange thing is that all the answers relating to voting matters were given through a non Burmese, Singaporean Staff of Burmese Embassy.

Followings are the questions of Burmese Activists in Singapore, answered in English through Ms Anna by Second Counselor U Myint Htun ,

Answering whether Burmese in Singapore can get the draft Constitution books, from the Burmese Embassy in Singapore, Ms Ana said, Burmese in Singapore are allowed to read the draft constitution books at Counselor Office Counter only. The books are not allowed to photocopy, and also not allowed to bring out the premise of Myanmar Embassy.

Answering the question of whether Burmese can study the draft constitution in the evenings, U Myint Htun replied through Ms Anna, that was impossible as Embassy will be closed at 5:00 pm.

The counselor also said that Myanmar Embassy in Singapore has only eight draft constitution books. That is the reason why so many people come to the Embassy at same to read the draft constitution is impossible.

Dear friends in Singapore, you guys have exposed the true nature of Military Junta guided Referendum to the free world. Thank you.

Sit Mone


and Ko Htike

Burma received multiple launch rockets from North Korea

TOKYO (AFP)–North Korea has started exporting multiple-launch rockets to military-ruled Myanmar, after the two nations agreed to normalize ties last year, a Japanese television report said Wednesday.

The weapons exports are in violation of economic sanctions imposed on North Korea after the communist state conducted a nuclear test in October 2006, Japan’s public broadcaster NHK reported, citing unnamed diplomatic sources.

It said “full-scale” exports of the weapons had been handled by an unnamed Singapore trading company.
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Singapore eyeing cheap Burmese Rice

According to the Earth Times news, Stalls and restaurants in Singapore are turning to Burma for cheaper rice as world’s rice price continue sky rocketing. Several Rice exporting countries from India to Cambodia announced rice export bans to make sure local rice supply is stable.

There were protests in Philippines and Indonesia for recent hike of rice price.

Local news sources from Burma said diesel price in Burma hit 6000 kyat for a gallon in black market and Rice price continue soaring to more than ten thousand.

Following is the excerpt of news from the Earth Times.

Singapore – Hawkers and restaurant owners are switching to rice from Myanmar instead of more expensive imports from Thailand to cope with global increases in rice prices, news reports said Wednesday. “Supplies seem stable for now, but the world’s demand is on Thailand’s shoulders,” The Straits Times quoted Saga Footstuffs managing director Goh Hock Ho as saying.

His firm is expecting about 350 tonnes of white rice from Myanmar this month after buying none in March. The grain from Myanmar is about 200 Singapore dollars (144 US dollars) cheaper per 50 kilogram bag than from Thailand.
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Burmese maids popular in Singapore


According to the New Era Journal, Burmese maids are becoming favourite in the Island City State , Singapore’s house maid market. Burmese house maids are popular among the Singapore’s employers as they are less problematic compare to the maids from Indonesia, Philippines, India, and Sri Lanka.

Among the estimated 170,000 maids working in Singapore, the maids from Burma, Thailand and India comprise of 6 percent. However this ratio is changing fast.

The same news source said ” Burmese maids can not speak English very well, however they can read and write well as most of them are graduates.” That is the one of the reasons that Burmese young ladies are popular as maids.

(Probably due to the environment where they were bringing up does not allow them to argue with their superiors, so Burmese became obedient?)

This blogger does not feel like writing about the young, educated Burmese ladies working as maids in a neighbouring country, as this news is nothing to be proud for  a Burmese.

Thanks to the Burmese Generals for producing more and more Burmese workers and maids for Burma, so that the Generals can spend the levied tax money from the workers, for their families shopping trips to Singapore. The money was wisely used, to be admitted to the Five Stars Private Hospitals of Singapore,whenever the Generals get sick!

To read the full text in Burmese in New Era Journal

Sit mone

Fighting Balls of Burma in Singapore.

This blogger does not mean to be rude. However Burmese Idiomatic Expression of the “Goat Testicles” or “Fighting Balls ” suit the fence sitters or those who have no moral Principal, or those who are always shifting alliance for their own benefit!

” Goat Testicle” is the most suitable words for those who were celebrating Independence Day Ceremony in Singapore for Burma, the country which actually has no Independence since Military Rule started in 1962.

If you wish to see those ” Fighting Balls” please have a look at Ko Htike’s blog.

( Do not think that they were fighting for something, This blogger use the word fighting Ball as a Burmese Idiom commonly used by those who are selling barbecue of the Goat Testicles in Rangoon and Mandalay”.)



Sit Mone

Burmese FM Nyan Win said we will work toward the path of Democracy??


“I assure you that we will work toward the path of democracy”

Nyan Win,
Myanmar foreign minister at ASEAN EU Summit today
(AP News)



“I am sorry, I do not understand what I have said..just now”

ASEAN:Burmese Junta PM Thien Sein said ” rearranging furniture at Home”


Junta Supremo Than Shwe at late PM Soe Win’s funeral.

According to the news agencies, Burmese Junta PM Thein Sein allegedly said “ I look after my own house. You can not come in and rearrange the furniture. The furniture may not be great but I do it the way I want it . Period”.

Thein Sein was handpicked by Junta Supremo Than Shwe after his predecessor Soe Win died of Leukemia few months ago. He is also among the robots who are programmed to say exactly what Than Shwe wanted to say on behalf of him.

So his words are his master Than Shwe’s words. This Junta King in the Nay Pyi Daw ( the Jungle capital) consider the Burmese people as furniture at his home.

Arranging furniture at home means killing, torturing of its own people at home?.

Arresting and intimidating people with fear at home? And are they dumb enough to openly declare that they are buying time,,, as he said period?

What period do they want? Another four decades to continue Burmese people to stay in hell?

Anyway this words, told at the informal dinner on Monday night in Singapore showed arrogant and ignorant nature of Burmese Junta.

Sit Mone

Prosper thy Generals of Burma.

Watch You Tube Video Heaven and Hell part 1, and 2 by Myanmar Boy with Burmese Narration!

The blogger remember the Ex PM of Malaysia who brought Burma into ASEAN used to believe in “Prosper thy neighbor”, which is a Nobel concept.

However Burmese Generals smartly took advantage of ASEAN’s , “Constructive Engagement”, “Prosper Thy neighbor” concept and ” the non interference” policy to make use of their own prosperity.

Imagine in a country where a cell phone costs you 3000 USD and 20 years old Japanese reconditioned car costs minimum 10,000USD. Most of the ordinary Burmese survive with the income which is less than one USD a day.

Those who monopolise the import of car permits, who have licence to run the telecommunication service, those who can take the land without paying a single cent and sell back with millions, are the Junta’s family and their cronies. There is zero possibility to start a business in Burma without the involvement of Junta or it’s family member or it’s cronies like Tay Za.

The ASEAN ‘s hope of prosper thy neighbor turn into prosper thy Generals in a decade. The constructive engagement proved futile, and the “non interference”was interpreted by the Generals as we can kill, torture and arrest the people of Burma as we wish.

Burma has no political stability. It is a political volcano just waiting for the time to erupt as unfairness done towards it’s people has gone beyond the threshold of the Burmese people.

If ASEAN decide to continue with the current policy to deal with Military Junta, I am afraid by the time ASEAN decide to interfere, it will be too late for the people of Burma and also too late for the reputable ASEAN leaders to defend their credibility among the world’s leader for thier dicison , to keep Myanmar in ASEAN.

Sit Mone