Daw Aung Suu Kyi and I

I have stopped writing any new post for more than one year.

Because I found a Big Problem with Burmese Democracy Movement led by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi.

She was a my hero, she was like my own Mother, I shouted for her and the rest who fought for democracy and human rights in Burma, sometimes I screamed, and sometimes I cried.

Yes, I cried when Buddhist Monks were beaten during Saffron Revolution, when I saw her diminutive figure at her home entrance,  giving respect to Monks and people who fought for democracy.

Yes, I just wrote a blog, not a big deal, but my consistency in supporting democratic reform was almost for my entire life.

But, the same person, who fought for freedom of all humans, equality of all humans started deviating from the very path that she  preached, I was shocked, and felt betrayed.

I am not a Rohingya but Rohingyas are  human beings like all of us. I am a Muslim and I love Burma not less than the rest who claimed to love THEIR Country.

I HATE discrimination, that is the reason when  the people who fought for democracy and human rights started practising double standard against race and religion, I do not know what to write…

I am a human who loves all other human without barrier. What do you mean by blood, Nationality, and boundaries? All are humans who were born in the place without having  control and authority of who should be their parents, and where should they be  born.

So when my respectable Daw Aung San Suu Kyi kept quiet and silence while many poor humans, of dark skin, or whose faith are Muslims, were being killed, butchered to death, burnt alive, force to eat pork , I was just amazed that how human can realign their principals for the benefit of one holier race as they perceived.

Sorry, but I will continue my path, and there are many good humans out there who love humanity.

Sit Mone

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