Is Thai PM going to cook Burma??

Bloggers Thought

Wire News said that Thai PM Samak, is going to cook for Burmese self appointed PM Thein Sein. This blogger is very sure Samak has planned to cook Burma in his frying pan as there will be no better time than current situation, to exploit Burma.

Wire news also said that Thai PM is a profesional chef, and he has decided to keep the menu for Thein Sein in dark.

The secret recipe for Burma is to help the Military Junta to stay in power forever, so that Thai could continue exploiting Burmese rich natural resources until all of them depleted.

Samak said he supports “Constructive engagement with Burma”, which has been declared as major policy failure by ASEAN Supremos, Ex Malaysian PM Mahathir and Singapore’s Lee Kun Yu.

Carry on Samak. Cook Burma until we all have independence. Alll Burmese are well aware that you are intentionally obstructing the path!.

Burmese are working in slave like condition in Thailand factories without basic human rights.
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